Spring Play

Kimberly: All right guys! It’s our second meeting and we’re hoping to get as much progress as we can on the spring dance! Let’s put our thinking caps on.


Carla: Where should we start?


Kimberly: We should start with the food.


Jasmine: Uh. . . I love cupcakes!


Carla: Sure, we can serve cupcakes and cookies!


Kimberly: We could also serve punch. Oh, and we could make the cookies in the shape of flowers. Where going to be killing 2 birds with 1 stone!


Jasmine: We’re going to kill birds?


Kimberly: No! It just means we will achieve 2 goals at 1 time. 


My idea for the skit:


Jasmine: Oh, that makes more sense. And I don’t think birds would taste very good.


Kimberly: We definitely aren’t serving birds at our spring dance.


 Carla: Ok. Now that we have the food under wraps-


Jasmine: We never agreed to serve wraps!


Carla: No, it means that we finished coming up with what to eat. It doesn’t mean that we are eating wraps. But moving on, we need to discus the theme of the dance. Every year the school officers come up with a few options for the theme of the spring dance, and the kids vote on which theme they want the most. 


Kimberly: Yes, so this year we have the chance to come up with the best themes the school has ever seen.  


Jasmine: I have the best idea! Instead of having the dance inside the gym, we could have it outside in the parking lot. The parking lot could have signs saying not to park there. After all, the parents drop their kids off and the adults that are there to manage the dance could park in front of the road!


Carla: That might be a good idea. . . If it wasn’t raining cats and dogs all day. The forecast isn’t looking so bright.


Jasmine: What’s so bad about that? At the end of the dance everyone would be able to adopt a new pet. You said it was raining cats and dogs all day. 


Carla: Raining cats and dogs means that it will be raining hard.


Jasmine: So no pet adoptions?


Carla: No pet adoptions.


Kimberly: Well, now that that option is off the table I have a new idea.


Carla: Well, what is it?


Kimberly: Since the previous dances have always involved Easter, I think we should do something more original and creative. Just imagine, we are walking through a fairy garden that’s the bee’s knees.


Jasmine: I don’t think bees have knees.


Kimberly: I just mean that the fairy garden would be great!


Carla: I think Kimberly is on the right track. Another option could be a Hawaiian dance. All of the girls could dress with tank tops and grass skirts. The boys could dress with flowers on their shirts and khakis. It would be so fun, super original, and the flowers the we already decided to make would go great with that theme. But I guess the flowers would go well with almost any theme. What do you think?


Jasmine: I love that idea! It is good that we already decided to have punch with the food. I always think of tropical islands when I have punch.


Kimberly: Ok, we have two ideas down. . . now only three to go.


Carla: I never knew that coming up with cream of the crop dance theme would be this hard.


Jasmine: I don’t know what cream of the crop means, but it just gave me an idea! What if we did a farming party!? Every one could dress like they were western and the boys could even dress like cowboys!


Carla: That idea is amazing! I love it, Jasmine!


Kimberly: Now we only have two more ideas to go!


Carla: Wait, I think I have an idea! It could be a end of the year party! The dance would only be about two weeks before the end of the year. It would be so fun!


Jasmine: We could really just party normally and talk about what our summer plans are. We could also do something special for the 5th graders since it is their last, but not least, year at our elementary, and their last spring dance. 


Kimberly: What should we do for them though?


Carla: We might be able to convince the principle to let us have our awards ceremony that night instead of the next week. After all, the principal did say that the date for the awards ceremony isn’t written in stone. 


Jasmine: What? I didn’t think that the certificates were written on stone tablets, I thought they were just pieces of paper.


Carla: I just mean that the date for the ceremony isn’t finalized. The principal hasn’t really decided when it actually is. 


Kimberly: But, the idea is amazing! I am sure the kids, especially the 5th graders, would love it. Now we only have one idea to go.


Carla: I think we all know what the last option is.


Kimberly: I think so.


Jasmine: Of corse!


(Said at the same time)


Carla and Kimberly: The old Easter spring dance!


Jasmine: A paint ball spring dance!


Carla: Wait, what?


Jasmine: A paint ball spring dance. That’s what I thought you guys would say too.


Kimberly: No. If we did paint ball it would get every where!


Carla: Kimberly is right. And even though the idea for the Easter dance is old, we should let the kids have the decision to carry the tradition on.


Kimberly: We can hope that it doesn’t get picked over our cooler themes, but if the kids really want to do it again this year too, we should let them.


Jasmine: Oh, I guess that makes more sense then the paint ball idea. 


Carla: Well, now that we have the decorations, music, food, and theme down for the dance, all we have left are the invitations. We have to decide if we want to send them out in an email, a letter that arrives at everyone’s mailboxes, or if we want to send the invite home with the kids. But-




Carla: School is about to start. We will have to save that topic for the next meeting. 


Jasmine: That will be easy!


Kimberly: That’s what you say about everything, even when it really isn’t. But this has been a great second meeting everyone! See you at next week’s meeting! Bye!


Jasmine: Bye!


Carla: Bye! See you next week!


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